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Listen to us, while it is not too late!

Many years scientists have been given the alarm about deterioration of demographic situation in the country, the national structure of the population began to change sharply in border territories, that can lead to undesirable interethnic conflicts. The main reasons of decrease of birthrate are material problems, drug addiction, alcoholism, bad ecology, immorality of society, lack of any perspectives of life improvement in the future. In Astrakhan region number of deceased people is still 1.3 times more then number of borned. In addition we cite the item 3 of the article 11 of the Law "About labor pension": "Insurance stage includes the period of nursing by one of parents for every child till his 1.5 years old, but no more then 3 years totally (for two parents)" and other like that. So the law foresees limit of births - two children and no more. Families having 3 or more children don't have accumulative part of pension at certain period according to such laws. And take this statistic facts, 15% Russian families can not have children (we sorry...), 10% ones don't want to have children at all, 70% children live in families with income per person below living wage.
Government have "taken care" about reforming of privilege's system, direct help. When large families heard about it, they understood at once it would be worse and they did not make mistake In fact many years ago the mechanism of destroy was launched. Mass media calls: 1 000 000 every year. There is also unattractive view of some large families, their expensive positions, consumer attitude to everything. Mostly such families attracts attention to themselves, and people judge all large families like them. Yes, there are such families, but we are talking not about them. We are talking about the families which try to provide well-being of their children by labour.
The state measures costs for children nursing and help about 102 rubles ($ 3.5) per month for every child. Even this sum depends on family's income strongly. And If you have income more than living wage - the rate of poverty at 4 rubles, you will not take anything. And what about other privileges, some of which don't work, other part can be annulled or red taped. And how after that can we bring up children in the tradition of nobility, honesty and patriotism. Of course, we need to express our respect and delight to women of Southern and some other regions , where the birth rate is very high. But we all understand that demography can improve only if birth rate will increase all over Russia. Every law, every reform in our country needs to get through demographic expertise. We need to take law about state's support to large families immediately.

Why not to make rank as "The Honorable family of the city"? Where information-educational work revealing value of large families is? Our dear officials recall about large families only when they want to remind about themselves. Probably some people will think what may happen after acceptance of our suggestions. First of all to save money on children is more expensive way for us, secondly, France have reduced pension age and increased amount of pension because of demographic pit. Look at the other countries of West Europe, which decided to solve demographic problem at the expense of immigrants. Now they have serious problems with demographic expansion and tighten their immigration laws. In Russia quantity of "guests" was up rated long ago. Their attitude to our country is like to the market, where they can earn money by any way very quickly. Power has lost control under this problem and now it "analyzes" of the situation and thus calls to solve demographic problems at the expense of immigrants. And who will serve in army, work in real sector of economy, cure, teach, take care about olders? Our immigrants are attracted by trade or criminal mainly. Here must not be illusions. Russia needs to raise real sector of economy to continue development as a modern democratic country, and it will give opportunities to many people to earn for their families. We should change word "benefit" at "compensation" because of 24 hours a day parent labour, losing rate of career growth and less opportunity of self-realization in social life. Incompetence, irresponsibility, impunity in such complicated problems oppress the population.

As a result of mistakes during reforms have led to degradation of family - more than half of just registered marriages disintegrate, tens thousands families are disfranchised as parents and waifs, drug addicts, defected, criminals. So it leads to: discussions, commissions, committees, programs, orphanages, shelters, rehabilitation centers, funds and one cannot see the end of all that (taxpayers pay 200 - 300 $ per month for every alumnus). But no results! By statistics: 40% such people become drug addicts or alcoholics, 40% ones fall into criminal world, 10% ones commit suicide. What can adult worker give in exchange to this children who have known freedom of streets, drug alcohol crimes addicted? Obligation of confirmation to common rules and studying?! But it is hard to work while he understands the uselessness of their being. There are from 2 to 3 millions (by different sources) of such children and they will become adults soon. "To sermonize moral is easy, to motivate it is difficult" Arthur Schopenhauer said. Of course, we need to take up this children immediately. But if we take up unsatisfactory children we must not forget about satisfactory ones, which will take care about the country and all of us in the future.

Remember wise saying: "Put means and soul into satisfactory children and there will be less unsatisfactory ones". The country has right to give certain privileges to different groups of its residents. These privileges must be more essential for large families with account of present situation (and single parents, as we think).

The President, State Duma, Federation Soviet have considered thousands law projects, taken hundreds laws, but they did not have time to take vitally important Law. And laws which were interested for power took weeks to pass. Children are future of Russia, it means they must be the highest priority for solving of this problem. Today. Now.

I ask all organizations and residents for suggestions in this text of future law "About state support to large families" .

N. Astrakhansky

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